Fix it Up Friday: Local Projects, Tailored Solutions

Let's face it, Fridays are a bit different. We've got a 'Fix it Up Friday' initiative where we dedicate time to help out our local community with a range of small but important projects. From fitting trim tabs on a boat to restoring everyday items like chairs, gates, or even spades, we bring our craftsmanship to tasks that need a little expert touch.

Recently, we’ve had some exciting jobs, like fitting trim tabs that came up beautifully. And, as motorcycle enthusiasts, we’re always keen to lend our skills to hobby projects too. We’ve got a set of motorcycle wheels lined up for restoration—stripping them down, having the rims anodised black, and re-lacing them with fresh spokes.

Whether it’s a quick fix or a more involved job, our team loves taking on these local projects. If you need a hand with something, big or small, reach out to us. Fix it Up Friday is all about giving back and making sure that even the smallest jobs get the care they deserve.